
Resa Hayes, lpc


I know that I feel my best when I’m secure in my relationships: with myself, my family, my friends and neighbors. This has created a practice for me of paying attention, listening and participating in conversations that both nurture and challenge these relationships. I will create a space, through our own relationship, for you to do the same.

I suffered tremendous personal loss. There are still days that grief and sorrow demand my complete attention and respect. When I attend to them, ask for their grace and guidance, I often feel my burdens lessen and my hope increase. Together, we will find ways for you to feel safe in attending to your emotions, and to trust that you have inside of you exactly what you need.

I believe that humans are hard wired for connection and those relationships need to be fostered so that we can feel safe, secure and let ourselves truly be seen.

It is this sense of wholeheartedness, love and acceptance that inspires my work. The kindness, gentle spirit, the humor, the compassion. And above all, the authenticity.

In being me I encourage you to be you.


I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in the State of Colorado (LPC) as well as a Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC). I graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Master’s Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Adams State University. Alongside this I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, with emphasis in Child Development and Child Welfare Issues, from the University of Colorado, Boulder.

I am experienced in human development, family systems, anxiety, depression, sexuality, parenting, childhood trauma and complex divorce and custody issues. I am known for my work within forensic services and mediation alongside regular speaking engagements and workshop presentations on complex co-parenting strategies.

Where my passion truly lies is in helping parents nourish their bond with their children, strengthening families as they grow together, building trust and connection.

“If you want to change the world, go home and love your family” Mother Teresa